Friday, April 6, 2012

3 April 12


when over sun yi at senrangoon to celebrate her bday. didn't know it was steamboat for dinner or else i will drop by earlier. super love steamboat session with my family(: i forget to take picture of e special fishball, my mother bought it at e market near my sun yi house. shall review the next time i eat it again(: not all my family members was there i guess they are just busy.... but this time round for family member bday celebration my brother actually bring his GF along. (if u know me well u will know why i am saying this) he really caught me in surprise, but didn't take picture of them. (e gf is abit shy shy soft soft kind).  

almost everyone is done with e steamboat dinner...

brownie cake from pola (cake review: 3/10)
the bday women with my cousin rong rong

sun yi with her 3 sons(:
cutting cake time
e cake is super hard!!
sun yi bday present from sun yi zang 
a thank you gift send to sun yi zang by sun yi (cool right)

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