Myth 2: Women crave ice cream and pickles - False! While some women will indeed like something spicy and sweet the cravings vary throughout the pregnancy. Some women would like chocolates one week and fruit salad the next. In fact, things you do not normally eat or consider unhealthy, like white bread and cheese, can also seem irresistible during a pregnancy. However, there is no set list of items that a women would want.

Myth 3: Eating salmon during pregnancy is bad for the baby - False! Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are actually quite healthy for mothers. Besides fresh water Salmon will have a minimum chance of mercury poisoning. Sushi is acceptable, however, mackerel, shark, tilefish, swordfish and tuna are to be restricted.

Myth 4: Pet cats are to be kept out - False! Pet cats can be kept; however, avoid the cat's litter box since it will contain toxoplasmosis that may harm the fetus.
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Myth 5: Exercising is dangerous while pregnant
False! Light impact exercises such as walking and swimming are actually beneficial as they reduce labor pain and keep weight under control. Yoga and light aerobics are all good exercises.

Myth 6: Pregnant women should not lift their arms above their heads, have sex or touch their toes
All false! Unless there is a specific medical condition to avoid these actions there is no harm.

Myth 7: Taking a bath is dangerous - Not exactly! But taking hot baths should be avoided. This includes saunas, Jacuzzi and spas where the body temperature gets raised as that may cause neural tube defects in the baby in the first trimester. Only bathe in lukewarm water or at a temperature below 100 degrees.

Myth 8: Sleeping on the back should be avoided
Sleeping on the back is fine until the end of the first trimester; however, after 20 weeks the weight of the uterus is so heavy that it impedes blood flow to the heart and therefore the placenta. However, if you do happen to find yourself waking up on your back do not be alarmed and switch over to your side.

Myth 9: Abstinence from alcohol - True! Alcohol and nicotine can have harmful effect on the fetus and should be avoided at all cost. However, studies show that two glasses of wine a week may not make a difference.

Myth 10: Avoid hot dogs - False! Hot dogs are good to eat as long as they are cooked properly.

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